Despite it's name, this Pokedex has nothing to do with Slowbros. Slowbros are just cool, and it happens to be themed around them. Anyways, be kind to people and enjoy!


Quillistic/DirtynoodlesI'm just vibing!


This Pokedex is dedicated to fakemon basedoff the Warrior Cats series, each fakemon line based off one character. Not all fakemon are cats, far from it, but all draw inspiration whether it be from the original characters' plot lines, personality or looks. With that explained, please enjoy!

Check out the playlist of Warriors as Fakemon episodes where I talk about designing them :)


  • You are free to make your own warrior cats inspired Pokemon so long as you don't directly copy my formatting for videos and this Pokedex!

  • Feel free to draw these fellas too, and give your thoughts on their typings and personalities

  • These are Fakemon inspired by the characters, and will all vary


Rusty (name pending)
Typing: Fairy
The kittypet Pokémon

Rusty are known as pet Pokémon, due to their cute nature and small demeanour but alike it’s orange pelt, Rusty are full of energy and personality. Often Rusty are caught at the edges of their homes, looking beyond for adventure. The ring around their neck stores their power.


Firepaw (Name pending)
Typing: Fairy
The apprentice Pokémon

Despite their names, Firepaws remain Fairy type as they evolve from Rusty. They experience a personality change, and are often unruly and stubborn, their adventurous streak blazing bright as ever. Most Firepaws are found as trainers Pokémon instead of house pets due to their nature. The ring around their neck stores more power than before, and becomes smaller and Firepaws require more flexibility than Rusty.


Firestar (Name pending)
Typing: Fire/Fairy
The star pokemon

Firestar evolves from Firepaw, and are large cats with big personality. They use their fire as a signifier of strength, as their power has broken out of the rings obtained by Firepaws. They are often chivalrous and brave, found saving weaker Pokemon and acting as negotiators in conlifcts that didn't originally include them.


Fireheart (Name pending)
Typing: Fairy/Psychic
The heart Pokémon

They are known for their elegant style, common in Pokémon contests for their beautiful psychic ability. Psychic power bursts out from behind their bow tie fluff and out of their rings from being Firepaws, powerful in battle. Despite their more streamlined appearance, they are still as chivalrous and brave as Firestars.


Ravenpaw (Name pending)
Typing: Grass
The scared Pokémon

Ravenpaws are commonly found in fields of grass, where their tails work perfectly as decoys in battle. They use their tail decoy to trick other Pokemon to escape battles where they feel overwhelmed, which is most. Despite their flighty nature, Ravenpaws can be very loyal and strong Pokemon when trained and cared for.


Raven (Name pending)
Typing: Grass/Ghost
The strong Pokémon

Ravens are large, strong Pokemon evolving from Ravenpaws at level 24. The decoy snake tail has now evolved into a weapon, controlled by the Raven's ghost abilities in battle. Despite the tail's new abilities, they aren't overly dependent on their tails and have They experience a boost in confidence upon evolving.


Gray (Name pending)
Typing: Normal
The fluffy Pokémon

Grays are small Pokemon commonly found scampering around various forests. Their tails help them hide, as when they cover themselves, the rocky pattern and grey colouring help them blend into a rocky scenery. Small and fiesty, though great Pokemon to keep as pets if you don't mind their messy nature.


Graypaw (Name pending)
Typing: Normal/Ground
The feisty Pokémon

Graypaws are silly pranksters that roam the forests. Their tails are often covered in hardened mud, almost as if a part of them, serving as powerful weapons in battle. Their feisty nature means they are prone to causing problems amongst other Pokemon, although with discipline, can be loyal and strong Pokemon.


Graystripe (Name pending)
Typing: Normal/Ground
The heroic Pokémon

Graystripes are known for their heroic behaviour, when upon evolution gaining a new sense of responsibility and kindness. Their tails are now permanently hardened with the mud, and serve as strong weapons in battle. They are often found trying to save and help other Pokemon due to their heroic nature.


Sandpaw (Name pending)
Typing: Ground
The bully Pokémon

Sandpaws are boisterous, yet skilled Pokemon. They are known for their ego, bullying weaker Pokemon and goading trainers before they swiftly kick up dirt and run away from consequences. Sandpaws are usually paired with Dustpaws, both Pokemon cheeky and strong. Despite being a pair, Sandpaws are usually the ringleaders of any shenanigans they get into as the stronger and more commanding Pokemon.


Sandstorm (Name pending)
Typing: Fighting/Ground
The agile Pokémon

Sandstorms are agile, swift and hard hitting Pokemon, commonly used in battle. Their long limbs and light weight allow them immense speed, yet large paws give them the power to strike at opponents. They've matured out of their bullying phase as Sandpaws, and are often now heroic and caring Pokemon. Despite this change in attitude, Sandstorms are still prone to being stubborn and hot-headed, smart and strong enough to back up their thoughts.


Dustpaw (Name pending)
Typing: Rock
The tag along Pokémon

Dustpaws are often found tagging along with Sandpaws. They lack the dexterity of Sandpaws when it comes to running away from scuffles they instigate, but are stilly quite speedy. They are less vocal than Sandpaws, but have a harder hit with their larger paws, usually coated in dirt or grime.


Dustpelt (Name pending)
Typing: Rock/Dark
The repairer Pokémon

Dustpelt have hard heads, and strong paws covered in mud, dirt and grime from working. They are often found digging burrows and homes for smaller Pokemon at fast speeds, and so are commonly used in demolition and construction sites. Upon evolution, they lose their bullying nature and are now more responsible and strong, though still can be hot-headed at times.


Whitestorm (Name pending)
Typing: Flying/Ice
The guide Pokémon

Whitestorms are known to occupy areas heavy with snow storms, perfectly melting into the background with their beautiful white coats. They have extreme hunting prowess, but as well as physical strength, they are great strategists. Found often guiding trainers and Pokemon through snow storms back to safety, they are heroic and noble.


Hollypaw (Name pending)
Typing: Grass
The assistant Pokémon

Hollypaws are often found assisting Chancey or other well-known Pokemon found commonly in Pokecentres. They love helping other Pokemon in regards to medicinal assistance, but despite this, are ready to fall back into fighting whenever an issue occurs.


Hollyleaf (Name pending)
Typing: Grass/Dark
The angry Pokémon

Upon evolving lose their interest in medicinal assistance, as their bodies have grown in size and power. They are hot-headed, and quick to anger, utilising the sharp claws on their paws to scare others away.